The Great Birth Rebellion

The Great Birth Rebellion

Hosted by: Dr Melanie Jackson

Hosted by Dr Melanie Jackson (@melaniethemidwife The Great Birth Rebellion dismantles western beliefs and management of birth and presents an evidence-based alternative to modern birth...

Search results for "water birth"


Episode 103 - Is baby in danger during waterbirth?

In this episode Mel answers listener questions. This question asks about the outcomes and safety for babies who are born during water birth. We discuss additional guidance around what to do if the is meconium stained...
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Episode 78 - Meconium in the waters

Mel describes what the current research says about meconium stained amniotic fluid. What is it? Is meconium truly ‘sterile’? Is meconium always a problem? and what might happen to your baby if there is meconium in...
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Episode 44 - Pre-labour rupture of membranes

We are talking about Pre-labour rupture (release) of membranes (PROM). This is when your waters break/release when you are full term (37 weeks or more), but your labour doesn’t start. We discuss the likelihood of you...
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episode 20 - Sterile water injections

Mel and B continue their conversation with Nigel Lee and pick his brain about sterile water injections, which (unlike the perineal bundle) as a substantial evidence base to support it’s use for the range of pains in...
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episode 17 - Waterbirth

We are talking all about waterbirth, the safety, risks, mechanisms and how to access it. We look through the current research to help you as you make decisions on if you want to give birth in water or not, and if you...
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