Get everything you need to be a brilliant and rebellious Midwife (or Obstetrician)
Join a supportive community of other rebels standing up against the dominant medical authoritative knowledge and replacing it with evidence-based practices.
Are you frustrated by policy-based care that:
- Poorly equips women
- Provides minimal education
- Submits to medicalised authoritative knowledge
- Is fragmented and broken
- Is disrespectful
- Has strict time restraints
You are not alone. The Assembly is a community working together to provide women-centred care.
The Assembly Difference

Feel at home with like-minded Midwives sharing stories, and skills.

Feel confident in the advice and decisions you make to support women.

Change your practice and impact other Midwives as you apply what you learn in your context.
Hi, I'm Mel
I knew the system was broken since my first year as a student midwife back in 2008. The hospital was policy dominated and research was not used to inform practice.
I'm a rebellious Midwife because dedicated to providing evidence-based maternity care. I am a Dr of Midwifery and I am on a mission to help Midwives all over the world to be part of the change needed at the grassroots of maternity care.
It's time to rebel and be a part of the change instead of the system.
Join The Assembly
How The Assembly Works

Sign up by selecting the subscription model that best suits you. From as little as $6.35/wk

Log in to the community and access the education, share a case study, post in the discussion, or join the VaJournal club

Apply what you learn in your context and become part of the change needed in maternity care
Why The Assembly?
We know that you want to be a brilliant care provider and give evidence-based woman-centred care. In order to do that, you need to learn the research, surround yourself with a like-minded community, and be supported to enact change. The problem is most maternity care systems promote medicalised fear-based policy-centred care, which makes you feel frustrated and mentally exhausted as you move between supporting the women and fulfilling your obligations to your employer.
We believe evidence-based woman-centred care is possible and worth the effort. We understand how current authoritative knowledge and those who promote it over-power and at times abuse women in the maternity system, which is why we are assembling the rebels. To stand up against this kind of maternity care.
Here is how we do it. Firstly, we attract and educate Midwives who know that something is not right with current maternity care. Then we grow our power by gathering a community of other rebels who can share wisdom, stories and rebellious skills. Finally, we hone our Midwifery and care skills so we become so good they can't ignore us.
So, join the assembly of rebellious Midwives. Stop going it alone and join a movement towards change... one Midwife at a time.
What's included

Monthly Live Case Study sessions
Each month you can submit your own case study to be explored with your peers, live during a group call, or attend the call for your own learning.

Monthly Live VaJournal Club
Once a month we read through a recent journal article and then get together to discuss the article, what we have learnt and how we might apply it. Lynelle Moran is the creator and Hostess of VaJournal club in the assembly.

Netflix Style bank of case study reviews and topical discussions
All the live sessions are recorded and made available in a Netflix style video data base. Access all previous case study sessions and other live sessions.

Online Community of rebellious midwives
Join in the conversation, ask questions, or simply connect with your peers from around the world.

Access to Mel to ask questions
Ask Mel questions in any of the live sessions or submit a question through the online form to be answered by Mel in short form videos through the Great Birth Rebellion Hub.